/** * @package WordPress * @subpackage My Religion * @version 1.4.2 */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.2: 1. Fixed fatal error in Masonry Blog when PHP 8 is used 2. Updated plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.4.1: 1. Fixed twitter 2. Fixed pagination in shortcodes 3. Fixed sermon media icons in sermon shortcode on open sermon 4. Updated plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.4.0: 1. Fixed header overlaps by default option 2. Updated plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.9: 1. Updated WooCommerce templates 2. Updated plugins 3. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.8: 1. The Events Calendar: Fixed tribe event series 2. Updated plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.7: 1. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 2. Fixed apply custom fonts in gutenberg editor 3. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 4. Updated plugins 5. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.6: 1. Added the ability to add new Google fonts. 2. Added the ability to add and use local fonts. 3. Updated plugins 4. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.5: 1. Fixed twitter connection 2. Fix for WooCommerce 6.9.0 3. Fixed hover slider script 4. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes 5. Updated plugins 6. Updated translates -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.4: 1. Fixed demo content 2. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.3: 1. Fixed Content Composer (WP 6) 2. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.2: 1. Fixed Events Calendar colors 2. Fixed hover slider script. 3. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.1: 1. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design 2. Update Plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.3.0: 1. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design 2. Update Plugins 3. Update Translate -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.9: 1. Fixed isotope 2. Updated plugins 3. Updated translates 4. Added disable header cart option -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.8: 1. WP 5.6 section and column fix 2. Sermon regular expression fix 3. revslider 6.3.3 -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.7: 1. WP 5.6 pop-up fix 2. WP 5.6 drag&drop fix 3. WP 5.6 columns fix 4. Update ilightbox 5. PHP 7.4 Donations plugin fix 6. revslider 6.3.2 -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.6: 1. Update isotope 2. Classic Editor fix 3. PHP 7.4 implode fix 4. Gutenberg plugin notices and CC button fixes 5. Timetable 6.4 6. revslider 6.2.23 -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.5: 1. Fix for span tag 2. Product type fix 3. Ligtbox fix 4. Timetable 6.2 5. revslider 6.2.22 6. Removed Form Builder plugin -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.4: 1. Gutenberg fixes 2. Color picker fix 3. Woo update 4. Timetable 6.1 5. revslider 6.2.18 6. LayerSlider 6.11.2 -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.3: 1. revslider 6.2.12 2. seremons & donations path fix 3. Portfolio shortcode in open project fix -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.2: 1. CC update 1.8.1 2. CFB 1.4.5 3. Gutenberg fixes 4. Woo 4.0.1 5. revslider 6.2.2 6. LayerSlider 6.11.1 7. PayPal first install fix 6. Timetable 6.0 -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.1: 1. Update plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.2.0: 1. Update plugins 2. Fix when activate plugin without "Save Changes" 3. Woo 3.6.0 4. Gutenberg fix -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.9: 1. Fixed Logo Type Text 2. Update Woo 3. Fixed website in Contact Info Widget 4. Fixed style for input[type=date] 5. Dequeue events calendar pro style for widgets 6. Changed escaping function attributes "esc_html|esc_html__" to "esc_attr|esc_attr__" 7. Fixed Tribe Bar Views for new version The Events Calendar. 8. Events calendar navigation fix 9. Fix for social sharing shortcode (pin it button) 10. Change cookie notice plugin 11. Removed Google+ Button in Open Posts 12. Fix for update_post_meta. Value must be a string 13. Gutenberg 14. Update plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.8: 1. Update plugins 2. Remove envato market plugin zip archive from theme 3. Add external link to github repository for envato market plugin 4. Update for Gutenberg 5. Update events calendar 4.6.21 6. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery 7. Fix events page layout -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.7: 1. Update Plugins 2. Add Cookie Notice 3. Update FB widget for Privacy Policy 4. Update Woo 3.4.0 5. Changed escaping function attributes esc_html__() to esc_attr__() in placeholder 6. Update Languages 7. Add Mailpoet 3 -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.6: 1. Woo 3.3.3 2. Update plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.5: 1. Woo 3.3.2 2. Update plugins 3. Fix for headline background color scheme 4. Timetable 5.3 5. Fix for scrollspy (if not one page) -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.4: 1. Fix related events date 2. Update plugins -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.2: 1. Update plugins 2. Update color-picker-alpha 3. Update languages 4. Child theme style priority 5. Envato market -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.1: 1. Update WOO 3.2.0 2. $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url() - is deprecated, use wc_get_cart_url() 3. Project link target fix 4. Fix for one page nav 5. Fix for google fonts include 6. WOO (empty_cart) FIX 7. WOO cart animation FIX 8. Update plugins 9. Remove overflow hidden in open posts content 10. Fix large logo on small screens 11. Fix empty dynamic cart 12. Caption in WP Gallery 13. get_template_directory_uri to get_template_directory -------------------------------------- Version 1.1.0: 1. Update plugins 2. Fix for shortcodes lightbox (dont show default WP text options) 3. Woo files 4. Fix profile info frontend 5. Fix for repeatable option "remove button"(bug in profile info item) -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.9: 1. Featured event styles 2. Fix download link in sermons 3. Single sermon image fix layout 4. Fix for woo terms 5. Fix for related products in single products 6. Add escapes to events calendar 7. Project link target fix 8. Fix for Woo product image 9. Fix event calendar photo view 10. Cart on small resolution 11. Update Sliders -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.8: 1. Fix for Woo update 3.0.0 2. Add My account default styles 3. Fix styles for terms checkbox 4. Fix for Event Calendar Pro Photo view 5. Fix Pings function 6. 'Donate' Buttons Text 7. Fix for responsive Navigation -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.7: 1. Fix organizer link in open event 2. Fix in single event links 3. Fix for Woo page title 4. Fix for Fixed Header Function start 5. Fix in related projects 6. Fix in gallery isotope run 7. Fix Woo "post a review" link if user not logged in 8. Fix "Preview Changes" button for projects with custom post formats 9. Change main wp_enqueue_style function 10. Fix for About Author Box 11. Replace base64_ to hex2bin in export settings 12. Fix for social icon title(no space) 13. Plugin Updates 14. Fix orderby for popular items 15. Header on small screens(less height) 16. Search on full screen on all screens 17. Default Font weight -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.6: 1. Fix for text logo with quotes 2. Update plugins 3. Current menu item on small screens 4. Copyright fix 5. Demo content -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.5: 1. Drag&drop 2. Fix in fixed header script (touch desctops) 3. Add media width script 4. Shop cart on small screens 5. Heading height on > 768 6. Woocommerce to WooCommerce 7. Featured block display flex 8. Fix for sermons 4 columns 9. Updata ilightbox 10. Add translation to post nav -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.4: 1. �ribe events fix 2. Add icons 3. Update sliders 4. Remove get_contents 5. Post featured image checkbox 6. Update Languages 7. WP 4.7 8. Fix for adaptive menu dropdown arrow 9. Add screenshot to child theme -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.3: 1. Move likes posttype to CC 2. Change cmsmastersLike function 3. Add prefix to pagination 4. Fix for row no margin 5. Change colors and fonts styles load 6. Replace load_template to vasiliy_locate_template in cmsmasters_get_tweets 7. Update Translate -------------------------------------- Version 1.0.2: files operations: 1. Fix for cmsmasters_divpdel 2. Fix social icon edit variable in profile 3. Fix Footer logo and image on load screen display 4. Add author option in sermons 5. Pingbacks & Trackbacks 6. Validation - Add my_religion_theme_logo_styles(), - Add my_religion_theme_page_heading_styles(), - replace